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Understanding Stormwater Ponds

Learn what you need about your neighborhood’s stormwater pond. Why does it exist? What are the different parts of the pond? Watch this video before meeting with you stormwater manager.

7 Stormwater Myths and Facts That Will Surprise You

Myth 1: Stormwater is clean because it’s just rainwater. Fact 1: Stormwater picks up pollutants from various surfaces and the air, making it far from clean. Myth 2: Storm drains treat stormwater before it goes into rivers. Fact 2: Storm drains often lead...

How are stormwater charges calculated

Stormwater charges are typically calculated based on the impervious area of a property. Impervious areas are surfaces that do not allow water to penetrate, such as roofs, driveways, parking lots, and sidewalks. The rationale behind this calculation is that these...

How Deep is Your Love? A Guide to Vertical Mulching

Those who cherish trees may not be aware that over eighty percent of the root system of a tree occupies a zone about one foot below the surface of the soil where sufficient oxygen necessary for the tree to survive remains. The Critical Root…